16 09, 2017

We will be present at the Vacation Rental World Summit

2017-09-16T07:34:07+00:00September 16, 2017|Events & Festivals, News|0 Comments

We will be in Florence for the event focusing on short term rentals for touristic purposes: the Vacation Rental World Summit on the 23rd and 24th September. Summer is coming to an end, but here in Torre Lapillo and in Porto Cesareo September is still september summer as we call it here, òand we are beginning to organise activities that go beyond the sole management of clients and guests in our holiday homes for rent. I am [...]

21 11, 2016

3 things I’ve learnt in these five years of work and FIAIP membership

2016-11-21T05:05:27+00:00November 21, 2016|Events & Festivals, News|0 Comments

Our agency ThePuglia Immobiliare SRL is registered to the Fiaip (Federazione Italiana Agenti Immobiliari Professionali - Italian Federation of Professional Real Estate Agents), the biggest trade association in Italy about our line of business: real estate intermediation. The 17th November was its 40th birthday and was celebrated in Rome at the Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts (see opening post photo). Together with some collegues of the Collegio Provinciale of Lecce, I was present [...]

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